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About us

Global Insider provides cutting-edge, industry-level research for frontier and emerging markets worldwide, with a core focus on the Africa region. Our team of highly specialised analysts are supported by a vast network of on-the-ground resources, allowing us to deliver accurate and insightful reports to our clients. These are designed to help industry participants better manage risk, capture opportunities, keep abreast of market developments, and gain an intimate understanding of an industry’s competitive dynamics.

Global Insider was born out of the realization that for many frontier and emerging market economies, local insight can often be tantamount to insider information. The lack of transparency and the abundance of misinformation make it challenging to reach a reliable prognosis without first-hand familiarity. For this reason, we only operate in markets where we have a strong network of local informants – individuals and organisation’s who can enhance and substantiate our industry appraisals. This adds tremendous value to our research and gives us conviction in our views, ultimately providing our clients with the sought after ‘insider edge’.

Our structure is unique. The Global Insider Research division works closely with the GI Corporate Liaison’s team, which connects the analysts to a universe of local market informants. The Liaison’s team was founded in order to manage GI’s fast-expanding network of contacts in industries throughout and beyond Africa. The Liaisons team also operates as a stand-alone division under the heading of ‘Global Database’, offering client’s access to our sizeable rolodex of contacts world-wide. Through this service clients have the opportunity to connect with high-level and influential individuals in leading organizations.

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